Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Please watch :)

Knp tkd org update? Don't let this blog die!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha asdfghjkl

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Salam to all,

 For the past few days, I've been going down memory lane. You know, reminiscing the times when we were kids, goofing around with round cheeks and all. I started listing them down and God I had a lot of them. It seems so...nostalgic. So I was wondering if I could post these facts? And maybe you could remember some facts too and post it up?

 I'm asking first because, like in the Leadership Workshop with Bro Hafiz today, syura, discussion, is very important in a team. So...what do you think?

I pray for the world,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Have you ever felt like going back? Have you ever felt regret? As if you could go back to that one point in time, where you wish you'd acted in another way. Or if you didn't say what you ever said.

Or you never did what you ever did, because you knew what you did was wrong, since you had a bad feeling in your heart, telling you that you have erred. And you want to fix things and make everything okay, but you just don't know how...

I'm sure most of us have felt that way, simply because we are human... And the nature of humans, we always make mistakes... And we always do wrong.

As humans, we are full of imperfections... But it is how we handle those imperfections, how we improve ourselves, how we fulfil our responsibilities as a servant and as a caliph in this world that matters in the end...

I am human. I am not perfect

I'm not the best servant of the Almighty God,
I'm not the best daughter,
I'm not the best friend,
I'm not the best leader,
I'm not the best follower,
I'm definitely no angel,
Who never does any wrong.

Forgives Us Allah

He asks us to come to Him...
Come, and ask His forgiveness, for He would never hesitate to give it...
As long as we don't enjoin Him with others.
But sometimes, we forget ourselves.
We forget who we are,
And we forget to ask.
Are we too proud to ask?
Are we too proud?
Are we too arrogant?
Are we too forgetful?
Forgive us ya Allah...
Give us Your protection from all our wrongdoings and imperfections
Give us strength to be steadfast in this path
Let our flaws be a reminder to us
That we are only Your servants and nothing more
Grant us your bless and love,
For only You are the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Forgiving...

Article taken from :Iluvislam

Munajat ♥

Don't miss next week's qiyam okaaaaaaaay~
Everyone mesti pergi. Because got munajat ;)

Friday, February 25, 2011


If you're honest: You’re rude. If you lie: You’re fake. If you’re quiet: you’re boring. If you’re loud: you have big mouth. If you're smart: you’re a nerd. If you're not: you’ll fail at life. You cover up: You’re a nun. If you don’t: you’re a slut. You try to fit in: you’re a poser. You try to stand out: you’re weird. You write a facebook status about it: you just want attention. If no one “likes” it: your a loser. Face it. It’ll never be “good enough”.

Because people will aaaaalways judge us ;\

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Updated; At Last!

Salam to All,

 The blog hasn't been updated in a long time huh?
 I any of you Andalusians, Bukharettes and Cordovas feel weird? I mean, its' our 2nd last year! This year is STE year and we have 11 more months till 2012, our 'O' Level Year...I feel old. :p
 So many things happened over the years...Who still remembers there Primary Years? I remember in P2, we had Mr Muneer for Eng & Mr Izzad for Maths...the first time Batch 1995 met them...P4: There were ALOT of things that I remember when I was P4, mostly personal stuffs... that I'm not telling you. Then P6, the arrival of Syazwan (is that how you spell his name?) and PSLE! Stress giler sey :p (Singlish pula.)

 What do you remember in the primary years?
 Care to share?

 I pray for the world,

p.s I also pray for us all passing STE and O Level, InsyaAllah.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome back To Madrasah

Aim high for the sky.
For if you fall,
you'll land on the clouds.
All the best for STE.