Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kekuatan Seorang Pelajar

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Kita sebagai pelajar pasti ada kelemahan dari segi kesihatan fisikal dan mental, begitu juga seorang guru yng telah mengajar kita dari pagi hingga ke petang.

Apakah yang akan menguatkan kekuatan kita sebagai seorang pelajar? Apakah maksud kekuatan? Soalan ini mungkin bermain di fikiran anda.

Maksud kekuatan di sini adalah kekuatan untuk terus belajar dengan cemerlang.Ukhuwah adalah sumber yang akan menguatkan kekuatan kita sebagai pelajar.

Apa yng telah di perhatikan oleh saya adalah kekurangan ukhuwah antara pelajar dan guru ,tidak kira yng baik atau yng buruk akhlaknya.

Dikalagan kita mungkin tidak selesa dengan sebahagian guru,ada yng ingin mengelakkan diri dari bertemu dan ada yng sengaja ingin membuat guru itu marah kerana sebab-sebab tertentu.inilah masalah yang mengakibatkan ukhuwah kita terjejas.

Pada pendapat saya,kita sebagai pelajar sepatutnya memberitahu guru kita tentang cara mereka mengajar,adakah cara mereka dapat membantu kita dalam pembelajaran kita atau dapat merosotkan pembelajaran kita? Cara yang terbaik untuk memberitahu adalah dengan cara yang menjaga hati guru,buatlah mereka sebagai kawan anda tetapi jangan sampai melanggar adab sebagai seorang pelajar.

Ingatlah wahai rakan-rakanku! kekuatan kita sebagai pelajar bergantung kepada kekuatan guru dan kekuatan guru bergantung kepada kita semua.

Sampai di sini sahaja.sekiranya ada yang salah harap diperbetulkan.

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Yang Esa

Bilakah kita akan mengingatiNya?
Adakah bila kita dalam derita atau dalam kesenangan?
Inilah yng harus kita fikirkan dan mengimbas kembali saat kita sangat memerlukanNya.

Ada empat perkara yng mungkin melalaikan kita dari mengingatinya,iaitu:

1.masalah sosial
3.masalah merokok
4.masalah seksual

Empat perkara ini telah berlaku pada zaman ini tanpa kita sadari dan ia telah diamalkan oleh para remaja kita yang meningkat dewasa.

Ingatlah wahai teman-temanku!
syaitan sentiasa berpegang pada janjinya,maka kita juga harus berpegang pada janji kita.

sampai di sini sahaja,yng baik dtng dariNya dan yng salah itu datang dari diri ini sendiri.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sungguh. Perang yang lebih besar selepas perang badar sebenarnya ialah perang dengan nafsu.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

أُمْحُوْضَة مِنِّي

Kadangkala, memang berlaku apabila kita berasa malu untuk
mendirikan tiang agama iaitu solat.

Aiknya iman, Bila naik, rajin. Bila turun, jadi malas. =)

Tetapi, jikalau tertimbul rasa bersalah apabila malas hendak solat, itu
tanda baiklah. Itu makna Allah masih membuka hati kita untuk sedar
kepentingan solat itu.

Namun yang bahayanya, jikalau kita sudah berani meninggalkan solat
dengan tiada rasa gelisah ataupun bersalah.
Memang lah kita tidak disambar petir dengan melakukan sedemikian.

Sebahaya-bahaya balasan bagi perbuatan-perbuatan mungkar kita,
contohnya meninggalkan solat, adakah jika Allah membiarkan kita
bertambah jauh daripadaNya dan kita terus merasa selesa dan senang
dan perbuatan-perbuatan mungkar kita.
Oooo... bahaya tu..

Jadi, wahai teman-teman, berpesan-pesanlah kpda saudara/saudari
Islam kita agar menuruti perintah Allah dan cegahi mereka daripada
perbuatan-perbuatan yang jelas-jelas mungkar.

Ingatlah surah Al-Asr. Hayati makna ayat-ayatnya.
Jangan kerana takut atau segan, kita meninggalkan hak Allah.

Nabi pernah bersabda:"إن الله لا يستحي من الحق"

Itulah yang saya ingin berkongsi bersama para pembaca.
Semoga kita semua senantiasa ingin mempertingkatkan diri.

Sesungguhnya segala yang baik daripada Allah s.w.t. dan yang tidak itu daripada diri saya sendiri. Salamalaikum wr.wb.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Indah dunia ini jika kita saling bermaaf-maafan.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


i am now having guests at home but luckily i have break time..please do not let this blog die..keep posting people!! im not sure what to say..but i want to say this and i hope u all read it..
im sorry if any of u have been hurt by me..either physically or mentally..i know i hit mar alot..SO SORRY MAR!! sorry if i said some harsh words that might have offended any. sorry if i cepat marah and like ignore or annoy anyone.. to shorten SORRY for all the things i've done, from the tip of my hair to the tip of my toe, if i have ever hurt anyone..really truly honestly sorry...

-hudsylala :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


assalamualaikum..!!! ;D


salah dan silap, maafkan yer... Halalkan apa2 lah yer... ;D 
and sorry kepada sesiapa yang kter dh buat salah dgn korang...
secara sengaja atau tak dan secara nampak atau tak.. hehehhe ;DD 

kay.. happy hari raya.


-amirah surani.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


i was gg thru some poems kt google..and found these 2 poems..touching n true=]

The friendship we have is so rare to find,
We hate to see each other in a bind.
We have made each other laugh so hard we've cried,
We feel each other's pain if we are hurt inside.
We always can find the right words to say,
To help us get through any dreadful day.
We have told our darkest secrets, with feeling no shame,
We will tell each other the truth even if we are to blame.
Thinking of you not being here makes me feel so sad,
We will have to look back on our crazy memories to make us glad.
The Miles between us can't keep us apart,
Because we will keep each other close at heart.

Source: A Poem About A Friendship So Rare, Best Friend Poems

Friends will
Come and friends
Will go.

The seasons
Change and it
Will show.

I will age and so will

But our
Friendship stays
Strong and true.

Source: Poem: Strong And True, Friends Forever Poems


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

short stories


Syirah, i like your post.
ah umm...short stories ape krg nak?
Meh cerita2...

To whom who are not my FB friends, here is what I just shared at my wall.

Serious. touching. Lagu childhood.~


raye dah nk dekat. so.not.looking.foward.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Dead Blog and other short stories


Ocne Uopn A Tmie,

Terhe was ocne a bolg taht a scodenray 3 lveel mdae.
Tehy flield the bolg wtih sotires and so mcuh mroe...
Day by day, the bolg sartted dinyg bceusae not mnay wotre in it.

Let's svae tihs bolg...

Or else Syazana will never let us hear the end of it.

No offence Syerry :)

Oh and btw if you understood whatever I just wrote: Alhamdulillah.
And if you just don't get it: Well just rearrange the letters...
There's a way to read it.

E.g Hlleo My Nmae Is Isiranyh.
      Hello My Name Is Insyirah.


Pls do cont. this blog. And as lame as I am, at least I'm updating!
(What a nerd.)

And abt the short stories part: You write it!

I pray for the world,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

16th Ramadhan. (:


da berhabuk pulak blog ni kaaan.
wont want to see th blog die right?

since it's ramadhan,
people are all having their terawih.
and also,
some are doing road shows fr Irsyad's fundraising at certain masjid.
do support us.

time flies.
CA2 are over,
and retests are down to those little bits.
hope you people are coping well!(:

im just updating.
so as to achieve a mre lively blog.



Monday, August 9, 2010

Al-Yaum Al-Wathani

May ALLAH bless you!
May you forever be a peaceful country.

Islaam is not banned or whatsoever here. Be thankful people!

My home <3

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bulan Bahasa

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua :)

Harapanku semua sihat-sihat.
Hmm, bulan bahasa yang telah bermula sejak 26 jun 2010 akan berakhir tidak lama lagi.
Tepatnya, hari inilah hari terakhir bulan bahasa.

Sempena bulan bahasa, (hari terakhir sahaja saya tulis begini,heh) pelbagai acara telah disediakan oleh badan-badan di Singapura, bukan?

Namun...yalah.. saya tidak ikut serta semuanya.

selain bulan bahasa, kita telah menyambut Hari Keharmonian Kaum!
Tidak sangka, persediaan yang cukup singkat itu membuahkan sesuatu yang masha-Allah, melegakan.
Saya bangga dan bersyukur kerana dipilih oleh-Nya untuk menuntut di sekolah ini, bersama rakan-rakan yang rajin serta konsisten.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil..................`ALAMIN. :)

setelah menilai dan memerhati...
Saya dapati, ramai diantara kita yang seronok dan mahu menyertai lagi acara sebegini.
Siapa yang tidak mahu, bukan?

Selain dapat ilmu dan pengalaman yang baru, kita juga dapat rapatkan lagi hubungan sesama sendiri.
jika kita lihat Si fulan ini agak pendiam di kelas, semasa latihan, dia memberi sepenuhnya!
jika kita lihat Si fulan ini tidak suka bekerjasama dalam kelas, semasa latihan pula, masha-Allah... dialah yang paling berkobar-kobar semangatnya!

Bergembira bersama.
Ketawa bersama.
Sama-sama berpeluh.
Sama-sama berjuang.
Itu yang membuat pengalaman hari semalam begitu manis dan diabadikan dalam memori.

Akan tetapi!
Sebagaimana yang telah diberitahu oleh seorang guru (yang amat dihormati) dalam kelas pada hari yang menggembirakan hati,
Jika semangat ini...
Kesungguhan ini...
Kerjasama ini...
Dipraktikkan dalam kelas, bagi kejayaan dalam pelajaran pula, lebih baik!
Ya, saya setuju.
Anda setuju?

Hmm, saya baru tadi 'bersiar-siar' di lelaman facebook. Cikgu-cikgu yang bertauliah kata, kita mesti buktikan kesungguhan belajar dan kejayaan dalam pelajaran. Baru kita dapat peluang untuk 'bersinar' atas pentas sekali lagi!

Apa lagi?
Dan sesungguhnya...semua amalan kita kerana Allah s.w.t
Jadi baik sorang2 okay je...
Jadi baik ramai2, lagi best!
Kerana masa muda hanya datang sekali sahaja!
Cabaran kita pun banyak!
Kerana apa?
Kitalah paling beruntung jika masa muda kita dipenuhi ibadah dan taat kepada Allah.
Dengan sebab i itu... banyak sangaaaat cobaan dan ujian untuk kita.
Kita fight sama2 ya?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hari Keharmonian Kaum (cheayy..melayu seyh!)

Ni Hao. Salam Sejahtera. Vanakam. Hello. Annyeong Haseyo. Konnichiwa. Sawadikaap. Assalamualaikum.

Haha. Girls! We were awe-to-the-some!

"High five!"

"Gimme some!"

"Up top!"

"Put it there!"

Fyi, those are not different languages for high five. They're just different ways of saying it. But its still cool :DD

So anw, bnyk orng kate ktorng lg bgos dri Sec 5. Alhamdulillah!! (In other words, "Booya!") Heheh. Iman, you're a good conductor :D (haha. sounds like science)

Laki, korng nye dikir barat coolness jgk! Another WOW performance from S3A&B2010. Dy nye movements cool, especially yg tarik tali ke ape bnd tu.. like whoo! Zaid, suare sdp! The rest, smangat jgk for a bunch of S3s.

So next performance in front of the whole school kne lebih awesome.. At the very least, same level. Okay? Okay? Aiwah! So...

Syaams, out.

Oh, but wait. (Haha.) Luper ckp, "I'm so proud of all you guys and girls!"
Okay. Now out.

Zaijian. Selamat Tinggal. Vanakam. Goodbye. Annyeong. Sayonara. Swasdi. Wassalamualaikum.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


congratulations to all players for winning... n thank you for supporting the players it is much appreciated..congrats badminton boys,soccer boys,netball gerls n gd luck to the upcoming events especially athletic ppls:) im nt gg to support on this saturdays event as im still sick..but i’ll b supporting at fb=]] so dun give up k..if korang do ur best,u guys n gals r still winners even if u lose:) k da..too much out of my mouth already..GD LUCK!!
-hudsy s3a

Friday, July 9, 2010


Since everyone is asking about updates and I haven't done one in a long while...Let's get started.

"People praise you for who they think you are, but must blame your soul for who you know you are."

Anyone knows what it truly means?

Give a thought. much has happened since the holidays ended.

Anyone remember anything good?

Memories are something hard to hold on to...

Try remembering good times guys....

Let it be your happiest memories.

Expecto Patronum!


I pray for the world,

Friday, June 25, 2010

Parent's wish

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

I just wanted to share with all of you a video my teacher had shown
us in class yesterday. It's really touching.. and sad. Some of us
teared up a lil after watching the video even though of course the song
did play a part as well to bring about the emotion. haha. But somehow
it always makes me repent every time i watch this,
but give it a day, it will be gone..

So I guess we all need frequent reminders sometimes?:)

So here you go! Enjoy the song,too..

Monday, June 21, 2010

S3 Girls Outing

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb semua :)

Syahmah, because of you, I am gonna write english. Ignore my grammar. hehe.

So... ITS CONFIRMED! By Allah's will, there will be an outing of a game of bOwLiNg! =)
Sounds fun? Wait till you hear the details.

Time: 11am

Place: Yishun MRT Station

Attire: Muslimah attire. (...You know the limits. And please don't say 8 years in an islamic school and you still don't know how to dress properly. well, this too is a note to myself...)

Things to bring: MONEY!
~ 3.80 per game
~ 1.20 for the shoes
So its five dollars.
Atleast bring $10.
Food and drinks not included.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


everyone,nk uat class outing untk all s3 students? i have an about bowling? is it ok? ke nak think of other plan..any suggestion? time and date will be discuss after everyone agree with the plan :)

so how?

ni jannah.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Give thanks to ALLAH ;)

Alhamdulillah, sarah, kte pinjam gmbr leh?

Hmm k. Rindu sisters Kte sgt sgt.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

blogskin da tukar oke?


im done with th blogskin.
i totally forgot abt previewing frst.




im strting on the Sec3's blogskin tonight.
because im digging time fr my sister's project too.
so maybe,
i shall strt tonight!
*round of applause*

so i think,
it's gonna be my own codes la.
because th codes there are rather kecoh.
but i try working on tht codes frst.
or maybe,
i try searching fr other codes.
im so fickle minded.

so im previewing th blogskin on my own blog frst.
i literally mean not my blog,
because i so love my blogskin.
so i'll make a blogskin tester using my supposed-to-be private blog.
i'll unprivate it and i'll put th link of th blog in th Sec3 blog.
and anyone can preview it.
i'll try making it user friendly.


User friendly literally means it fit in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
I dnt knw abt Google Chrome because im not using it.
Sorry to those who are using Google Chrome.


The codings will be done when i have done the pictures and background.
This gonna take abt 2-3 days.
Dont worry.
I'll take the best amongst all.


The codings will take abt 2-3 days too.
Since, it's gonna be user friendly,
it's taking me longer.


I'm gonna take abt 2 pictures frm each class;
seeing if it fits.
The number will depend on how perfect the pictures are.
I'll take equally.


I'm gonna take brightbright colours.
the colour of the rainbow will do.

that's fr the FAQs.
thank yooou.(:


Friday, June 4, 2010



im strting on the blogskin soon.
oh yea,


The wonders of the Earth where we come from is so amazing isn't it?

Antarctic Glacier Has Five-story Blood-red Waterfall of Primodial Ooze

I pray for the world,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kembalilah Kepda Tuhanmu, jangan putus asa..

syazanaaaaa's second post. ATTENTION PLEASE.


apa khabar semua?
saya harap kamu semua baik baik sahaja.

chey melayuu uh.(:

adr outing, ktr no moneyyyy.
cannot cme along.

sesapr yg pegi outing trsebuut,
have fun eh korg.
cemburu uhhhhh!

ktr masih belum dapat gambar,
so ktr tk leh uat blogskin.
jadi harap korg sabar okeh?
yr patience is highly needed.

i received the bukhara pictos only.
as fr the andalusia and cordova,
not yet.
so korg,
kalau coincidentally korg tgk korg nyr folders,
skali jmpr gambar tu sumr,

thank yoooou,
saayang korggg! <3

Lost in Translation

Alamak korng ni! Kn kte da kate kte American.. asl la korng bebual dlm Alien Language? It's hardfor me to understand, you know... All I understood frm Fatihah's post was the word 'Friday'.. haha.
Okay. Live like we're dying! :D



salaam krg..
ni najihah..
krg ape khabar?

first time post.. so, tkd idea nk ckp ape..
okay lah..
i guess, tu je fr now..
stakat tanye khabar.. hehe..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Saya diamanahkan untuk spreadkan mesej tntang pesta buku yang sedang berlangsung di wisma indah! =)

Ia akan berlangsung hingga 6 jun, inshaAllah.

setiap hari, dari jam 11 pagi hingga 8 malam.

K, pada akhowat yg dikasihi pula,

Kita ada outing tau Friday ni. Sorry sebab lmbt beritahu.
Saya busy. huhu.

Okay gini,
Jumaat ni, jumpa di kembangan stn pukul 11am!
jangan lambat.
Kita sama2 pergi pesta buku itu yoooooook :DDD

dah jalan2, siapa nak pulang, boleh.
Tapi siapa nak stay on, kita akan ke..........


hehe. Boleh shopping2. Kurta, jubah, brooch and tudung!

Sesiapa yang "maafi fulus" nk join, silakan k!
Objektif selain dapat beli buku dan sewaktunya, kita inshaAllah dapat merapatkan silaturrahmi sesama akhowat sec 3 <3 =)

Okay, sila hubungi dan cornfirm kan kedatangan anda kepada Nurul Asyiqin atau Zulaikha Zulkifli. Nak beritahu Fatihah? Also can. hehe.

Okay, smpai sini sahaja.
Assalamualaikum semua!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

song for Gaza

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether their dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fire-ry flames
Nothing remains
Just the voice rising up in the smoky haze

(1)We will not go down
In the night without a fight

(2)You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

(3)We will not go down in Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacured night after night
While the so-called leaders from countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right
But the powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

(Repeat chorus[1-3])
(Repeat chorus[1-2])
(Repeat chorus[1&3])

salam readers. zee here. first time posting a post, an introduction.this is my rakan seperjuang's blog. please dnt dirty it for goodness sake. hahaha. well,we've been together since p1 and some other who joined us thru the years.we have seen each other cry, acting foolishly and also the immature us. we're the crazy bunch of piggies (adapted from our chinese animal year) .we can be rebel but we got our own angelic side of us. we're just great thinkers. hopefully ,we'll stick together as glue until we grow old. and happy holidays . sayonara people.
With Much Love ,
Zee Sayuki Fangs _0/

Monday, May 31, 2010


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

I really love the atmosphere around here. Thank you everyone for the updates and tags.

From banin, we've got only SYUKRI's post? Where are the others? Hope to hear from others soon.

So, holidays are here. A long one. But surely, this too shall pass ;)

Plan wisely. Allah gave us 24 hours each day. What more can we ask for? All we've got to do is to plan and stick to it. I like the planning part. But always fail the stick to it part. Haha.

Guys! spread the news of this newly born blog. I know, there are people who are still clueless.

Till the next update,
Assalaamualaikum wr. wb.

Friday, May 28, 2010


hee Masturah Mokhsin here. It has been some time since i last blogged, so i deleted my blog. And here you people made a nice an innocent blog. So here lies masturah, trying to update it.

So.. i really enjoyed my time flying kites at Marina Barrage. It was, unfortunately, my first time flying a kite. When our kite went up really high in the air, i was excited like a monkey. lol.

Okay that is all :P


kte tgh bored, so kte decided to blog about something random...ok so dat tym kte gy uma nenek kte pas2 kucing kte(Manis) tgh scratch2 kasut org..kte pon marah dier the dier tunjuk muke innocent dier..and her face was LITERALLY like this...

and yes she have only one eye..bcos last time her other eye got infection so kene keluarkan..kalau tk nnt Manis tk live dats the reason..kalau tk tanyer pon tkpe..kte blg i have said,i was and still am bored...
k da tu jek bye!!!


Thursday, May 27, 2010


my first updation;just trying:)
never update nor log in before..lets get started.
school holiday has arrived.yesterday,i believed all of u waiting for the result;whether you success or failed.and i could see all the success people keep on saying,"SLAMAT AKU!TK PAYAH DTG PARENT MEETING."
for the failures,sad face could be seen.even tears are falling.nevermind,it's still have 2 semester to go.u have time to put in more effort:)
alright then.i'll end here.
marha2 to the passes
try your best to the failures....

bila hati dalam kesedihan
bila diri rasa kesunyian
mengapa itu harus kau kesalkan
jangan pula kau tangiskan
tiada insan yang tetap sempurna
tiada pula yang terus derita
hidup ibarat berputarnya roda
ambil itu untuk renungan
hidup ini satu perjuangan
perlukan pengorbanan
jangan kesal bila kau kecundang
anggap itu bukan penghalang
bila jaya usah engkau lupa
bila gagal usah kau kecewa
berjaya bukan tanda bahagia
gagal tidak erti derita


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just So You Know


Amal Ma'ruf, Nahi Mungkar.

It's nice to see a blog for the 1995 batch. And I'm writing on the last day (or so). It's me Insyirah (the one with spectacles), writing now. What's with the phrase? It means 'to always look forward and never look back'. At least I think so. Hmm... You can check the dictionary yourself if you'll like.
Anyway, if you see any post by me, I'll try and put in some phrases like the one above.

I pray for the world,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Syahmah's here... The fun can finally begin! :D

Song (in my head): Airplanes by B.O.B. ft. Hayley Williams
Candy (that I'm currently eating): Mentos (pronounced "men-toes" to Americans) & Mango Fruit Plus
Random phrase of the day: "Syuks cute!"

Assalamualaikum! (Kteorng umat Islam.. Xp)
Yes, people. That is how I'm gonna start every post that I write. Why? Because.. When the sun shine, we shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be a friend, Took an oath I'ma stick it out to the end
Haha, tkla! Because there's always bound to be a song in my head (English, Malay, Korean... you name it) & my self-proclaimed hobby is eating candy so..

I have a multi-tracked mind, so I'm always thinking of random things.. And now I'm thinking of how cute Syuks is (aft reading his cute post. Haha!) Everyone, say "Cheayy, Syahmah!"


Omjee-ness..! I like dnt knw what I wanna write! Bummer!
Hmm... k, tkpe. Save draft dlu. I'll come back later :D

Okay, I'm back. Dnt worry abt it.
I got this idea from just now's post-exam activity.. I'm gonna introduce myself :D
I knw, I knw.. You guys may alrdy knw me, but do you guys KNOW me? The answer is no.
There's a lot of things abt me tht you guys must knw... but for today I'll strt with the basics. Two things: My name and my language.

My name is Nurusy-Syahmah Binte Haniss. DON'T try to pronounce my full name cause you'll always get it wrong on the first try. Dnt worry, EVERYONE's got it wrong before. Nothing new. So, just call me 'Syaams'. Not even 'Syahmah' cause there's too much 'H' in 'Syahmah'.. so the pronounciation tends to be very.. breathy. Talk abt gross!! Haha. So 'Syaams' it is.

Secondly, I am an American. So pls, PLEASE, I beg of you, spare me all the trouble by speaking in either English or Modern Malay (which consists of some English).

Thank you and Wassalam.

P.s. It's small cause I wanna test your eyesight. Those who can't read it say 'I'..

scream syazanaaaa! 's post.(:

assalamualaikum wr wb.

so glad korg uat th blog.
and yeaa,
i volunteered to make a new blogskin fr y'all.

but i need cooperation frm orgorg yg adr gambar class last year.
be it frm Sec2 andalusia, bukhara or cordova.
i need all.

thank you sumr nyaaa.
sayang korg. <3

Monday, May 24, 2010

hey there
i love this blog!!!
make this blog ALIVE ya:)
(mcm paham...
blog sendiri da satu tahun tk post aper2...
baru jer tadi post something...
paper pon thanks tu namer2 org yg help out for this blog...
smpai tertido yer...
insyaallah i will constantly post something at least once a month...
btw happy flying kites...on tuesday:)
and GD LUCK for ur RESULT:)


Saturday, May 22, 2010


1st post from me, tk tau nk ckp ape.. hmm.. k 1st of all im gonna thank all those who helped in makg ths blog.. it is such a successful one n most of all, i like it.. its a gd opportunity fr the sec 3s to get together, strengthn the bond.. hope evry1 cn help to maintain ths blog at least fr ths whole year.. n last thg, i wish evry1 gd luck on gettg ur results ths comg wed, 26.5.2010.. tats all.. walhamdulillahi rabbil alamin..

syukri, s3a.

It's a secret we'll keep.

Hey there,

It's great to know that you guys have actually created a blog for us. Hee. So, try to update it frequently(:
By the way, I think we should go for a change for the blog skin. Go for colors that once you see it, it calms your mind or some striking colors. Well, it's just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. :D

Alright gonna hit the bed.
Goodnight fellow humans.


Friday, May 21, 2010

First Post

Hello people!

Firstly, my comments about this blog.. Three words: I like it. What I like is the idea of this blog bringing both classes together. Smart! And that you guys worked together to make it happen. You guys deserve a pat on the back for teamwork (even if you did fall asleep in the process).. Haha!

So yeah. I'm not a pro in this blogging thing, so I don't know anything about changing skins etc.. I leave all that to the people who knows.

I like results week, even though the same people always number one and not me. Boohoo, so sad! I hope my parents don't have to meet Ustaz Azhari.. I don't like them talking about me.

Don't worry, Fatihah. You're smart. I think you pass all the subjects, right? Yes, so anyway.. All of you must come to school. Only less than a week left. After that, we're FREE! The holidays are coming!!

Anyway, good luck everyone! I wish you all the best..


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Natijah sebuah usaha

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. =)))

Okay, kte rase excited sangat sangat nie sekarang. Bukan apa, dah lama tak post kat website blogger. Asyik tumblr aje.

Hmm, sesuai dengan tajuk hari ini, Fatihah nak ucapkan best of luck to all of you.

Esok resultsssss.

Takut juga ni. Tak belajar betul betul. Rasa macam tak mahu face tomorrow. Wah, masih segar di ingatan, saat ambil results PSLE.

Degupan jantung amatlah kuat.


And, DATANG SEKOLAH. please. =ppp



Salams Readers.. Wahh cheyy!! ;DD

Uhm... Done with the blogskins....
Yeah.. Simple... But.......... Nice right? ;DD
kalau tk suke, pandai2 tuka sendiri k?

Okey Bye!!~

- Siti Amirah was here. ;)



The blog is all about us sec 3s.
Both Andalusia and Bukhara students ^^

So sec 3's please thank these people for doing all the planning which was from 10pm-12am(yawns), Fatihatul Insyirah, Muhammad Syafiq, Siti Amirah, Nadiah, Nisa' Tuzzakirah, Nur 'Atira, Siti Masturah, Dzulaikha, Aida Adriana, Fahmi and me. Fatin nasuhah ^^

But i kinda slept halfway through. again sorry people. heh,

So the reason we created this blog is because we wanna strengthen our bond. Well we hope it can. You can write whatever you want here. You are free to express yourself :D
Updates from both classes would be greatly appreciated.

I for one am excited about this blog ^^
oh btw. credits to:

Fatiha- for making the email
Syafiq - for making the password.
Taufiq- for making the blog url.

i'm not sure who made the title. As i've said i slept xD
oh and Siti Amirah will be doing the layout for this blog.
While the rest came up with really great ideas too. (:
Also , ask all the nine people for both email and password.

Alright people.
I have to go now.
I need some sleep.

